InputMsgWin scrn, -1, -1, 12, "DirectX III is required for several of the demos. Would you like to install it now?"
If scrn=8 Goto "Welcome"
InputMsgWin ddex, -1, -1, 1, "The DirectX III installation may need to reboot your machine. If this happens, you can simply reinsert the CD afterwards to restart the demo."
DirChange ddex, "DirectX"
Execute ddex, "dxsetup.exe"
DirChange scrn, "..\"
Goto "Welcome"
Gosub "Keyburn"
MCISendString scrn, "close music"
MCISendString scrn, "open kitchvr\A1526SM.WAV alias music"
InputMsgWin scrn, -1 -1, 1, "Welcome to dub Media's demo CD! This demo will NOT write anything on your hard drive, but it WILL change graphic modes as it runs. Let's go... everything's inside the fridge..."
SystemColors ddex
If ddex < 16000 InputMsgWin scrn, -1 -1, 1, "We recommend that you exit the demo, and set your screen to 16-bit hi-color mode. Some of the demos will look better in hi-color."